The following people were fined $100 or more and/or received jail sentences when they appeared in Clallam County District II Court in Forks:
Craig Williams was fined $500 and was sentenced to 90 days of jail with 90 days suspended for Shoplifting and was fined $250 and sentenced to 90 days of jail with 89 days suspended for Shoplifting and fined $0 and sentenced to 90 days of jail with 90 days suspended for Shoplifting.
Shawn Clark was fined $250 and sentenced to 364 days of jail with 359 days suspended for False Statement to Public Servant.
Robert Coberly III was fined $1200 and sentenced to 364 days of jail with 274 days suspended for Driving Under the Influence.
David Daveiga was fined $150 and sentenced to 90 days of jail with 90 days suspended for Driving With License Suspended Third Degree.
Clallam County District Court II Most Wanted
Shawn Rondeau
Bench warrants were issued on Jan. 1 under case Nos. 2778858 (DUI) and 2752496 (DUI) after Defendant failed to report for hearings. Rondeau is 43, 6’ tall and approximately 175 pounds.
Troy McGee
A bench warrant was issued on Dec. 7, 2015, under case No. CCR17595 (Assault IV) after Defendant failed to report for a hearing. McGee is 47, 5’ 8” tall and approximately 160 pounds.
Richard St. Germaine
A bench warrant was issued on Jan. 22 under Case No. CR25737 (Assault IV DV) after Defendant was seen in the company of the victim in this case in violation of his Court order. St. Germaine is 64, 5’7” tall and 125 pounds.
Please contact the Forks Police Department at 360-374-2223 or 9-1-1 if you have information about any of these individuals.