Elks Honor FHS Students

At Forks High School, each month we have Student of Character nominations where students are chosen by FHS teachers and staff, then celebrated. Staff are asked to select students who re flect the Character Trait of the month. From this list we pulled all the Seniors who were nominated and staff chose two for each month.

SEPTEMBER – Kendall Marshall and Micah Gentry

Kendall Marshall

This young woman had a vision, was given a glimmer of hope for that vision, and when given the opportunity to realize her vision she grabbed the opportunity by both hands and independently worked to make the vision happen. Forks High School now has a school newspaper- and a journalism class in place for next year because of Kendall’s enthusiasm!

Micah Gentry

This young man is very enthusiastic about strength training even first thing in the morning! Micah brings daily energy and enthusiasm to the classroom that is unmatched among his peers!

OCTOBER- Erame’ Tost

and Jack Delgado

Erame’ Tost

Erame listens, takes in any obstacle, and then figures out how to reach her goals! She is ambitious in her vision and was instrumental in making the Forks High School newspaper come to fruition. She has created a way for future students to enroll in the journalism program now offered at the high school. Thank you for your ambition and your creative fortitude.

Jack Delgado

This young man does the morning announcements every weekday. This task can be fun but also extremely intimidating. Jack has learned to speak clearly on the intercom even with interruptions. At times he is thrown additional things to announce on the drop of a dime and Jack creatively and cooperatively handles it. He stays calm and confident with charismatic, creative control.

NOVEMBER – Katelynn Pressley and Walker Rondeau

Katelynn Pressley

Katelynn is daring, bold, spirited, and brave. Katelyn has shown herself to be daring enough to take on new tasks without hesitation, to push forward even when the outcome is uncertain, and to persevere when it would be so much easier to simply give up. She approaches new ventures and tasks with a boldness that often leads to new and surprising results. At the same time, she is the kind of person whose positive spirit is contagious and often a light in the storm. She never hesitates to share a smile or a kind word while on her path to bigger and better things. Doing all of this requires that she also exhibit bravery in the face of so many potential unknowns. She rarely permits herself even a moment of self-pity or self-deprecation and is always quick to snap out of it, turn things around, and move forward like the intrepid and audacious adventurer she is.

Walker Rondeau

All year Walker’s fantastically creative art has been displayed on the hallway walls. He utilizes a number of mediums and he has a real gift as an artist. Walker makes art look easy and when talking about his art work, he is genuinely devoted to this creative outlet and looks forward to pursuing more in college.

JANUARY – Janessa Ramos and Charles Noble

Janessa Ramos

Janessa is always creating something beautiful and original. Every poster, art project and spirit day costume is creative and original showing her flare to be original.

Charles Noble

Charles is willing to take risks to challenge himself, to maybe flounder, but then grow- showing his ambition! One may have to pause, think and then follow Charles’ insights and connections- but once understood, be ready to have your mind blown at his creative thinking process.

FEBRUARY – Keira Johnson and Gunner Rogers

Keira Johnson

This amazing young lady is strong, brilliant and determined. Keira always puts in 110%. She leads by example and is a top influencer as the ASB President. She will achieve great things in life and we can’t wait to watch her soar!

Gunner Rogers

Gunner knows what he wants and he does what he needs to get that. In his drive to be a pilot, he is already well on his way to achieve it. It is easy to say ‘I’ll do this later’ but even those things he could do later he gets finished well before it’s needed. There is no doubt he will achieve all that he wants in life. He is inspirational to the procrastinators and the ‘status quo is fine’ sort of people around him. Gunner is reliable, dependable and one can count on him to get the job done.

MARCH – Rowan Ball

and Xavier David Rivera

Rowan Ball

In a small town, it is hard to break away from the status quo but Rowan has done a good job in fostering her true self. While others might grow into the same personality they are surrounded by, Rowan has grown into a person of her own design that makes those around her better by association. Rowan shows a strong desire and determination to succeed. When she sets a goal, she keeps it in her sight and fights for it laser sharp with gritted teeth! She gets things done!

Xavier David Rivera

David totally nails what it means to be a Student of Character. He is always involved in class offering answers and input, even when everyone else is super quiet. David brings so much positivity to the table, helping bring up the vibe of each class. He is a hard worker and doesn’t give up no matter what anyone else is doing.

APRIL – Emily Cortez-Vazquez and Jorge Diaz Rodriguez

Emily Cortez-Vazquez

Emily brings beauty and creativity to the world and helps capture these moments in the yearbook. She has a great eye for what works and what does not. She is reliable and can be counted on to get things done. Emily believes everyday should be about looking your best. In today’s world, that’s not something we see much.

Jorge Diaz Rodriguez

Jorge has a very quick wit that often leads to creative responses and dialogues. He does not show off but quietly gets his work done even if he has to put in extra effort.

MAY- Lillian Neel

and Natalie Horejsi

Lillian Neel

Lillian has a quirky mind which leads to beautiful art and insightful analysis. She quietly leads with her own style and character. She has a vibrant personality that her teachers appreciate.

Natalie Horejsi

Oprah Winfrey said, The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams. This quote sums it up Natalie and how she is living life. Not only is she an adventurer but Natalie is consistently reliable in her performance in class. She is always willing to push herself and ask tough questions. Natalie can be counted on to make every effort to get her work turned in on time and completed to the best of her ability.


Forks High School would like to announce their student of the year for 2024, Walker Rondeau and Janessa Ramos. These two students were selected the most often and showed the most diverse character traits.

Walker Rondeau

Walker was first identified as funny. He has a quick wit, always getting a good laugh from the people around him. Walker was recognized as having a giving and caring heart that is displayed frequently in the classroom. As a particularly strong art student, Walker has done the hard work required to become adept at drawing and art making. He has struggled through making countless mistakes and constantly endeavors to improve himself, so he understands how difficult it can be to grasp artistic principles. As such, he demonstrates compassion in the classroom by selflessly helping others who are struggling with those concepts that he has mastered. He is so eager to help others to see the world in the newly found way that he has developed, that he often puts their needs ahead of his own. He clearly longs for others to experience the joy of artmaking that he has found. To do this, he offers them a peer’s perspective that makes the work relatable, attainable, and of the highest quality. His compassionate nature is commendable and much appreciated by those who experience it.

Janessa Ramos

While Janessa is the definition of an original, she was also recognized as a student who showed up to hard work, resilience, determination, and the ability to overcome diversity, making her an original work of art! She is also a very talented artist. Her art work has been noticed and many are awed by her creativity. She gives her entire heart to her projects and it shows. Janessa is always eager and curious about class discussions. She arrives at class with a positive attitude and an air of infectious enthusiasm that gets other students excited about learning.

Students of the Month front - Natalie, Emily, Rowan, Keira, Eram’e, Kendall; back Chuck, Jorge, David, Gunner, Walker, Jack, Micah and Darel.

Students of the Month front – Natalie, Emily, Rowan, Keira, Eram’e, Kendall; back Chuck, Jorge, David, Gunner, Walker, Jack, Micah and Darel.