Clallam County Amateur Radio Club (CCARC) and Clallam County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CCARES) will offer an Emergency Communications Field Day Event on Saturday, June 22, at the Clallam County Fairgrounds Lincoln Park, west entrance on South L Street, Port Angeles, from 11 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Anyone wanting to will have a chance to talk on the radio to other local, national and foreign amateur radio operators, see operational displays of different types of emergency radio gear and participate in events emphasizing family and personal preparedness.
There are more than 700,000 amateurs in the US and several million more around the world. The activities of AR are incredibly varied: communicating with local and regional amateurs using relay stations call repeaters, operating mobile and portable stations, joining in emergency communications teams, working with wireless data networks that are assembled and used around the world, and using signals that travel worldwide to make direct contacts with foreign hams.
The CCARC was founded in 1954. In 1957 the club applied to the State of Washington to become incorporated. In 1958 the CCARES was formed and in 1966 the first Field Day was held at the Port Angeles Game Preserve.
Anyone can be a ham. There are no age limits or physical requirements that prevent anyone from passing their license exam and getting on the air. Hams pursue their hobby for personal enjoyment and to advance their skills, providing valuable services to their fellow citizens. Amateur Radio is especially valuable after natural disasters when commercial systems and power are knocked out.
Amateur radio is much more than just talking on the radio. It’s an opportunity to dive into the fascinating world of radio communications, electronics, and computers as deeply as you wish.
For more information contact: Rick DeWitt at or Janet Parris at