The Forks High School Drama Club is rehearsing for its upcoming performances on Mother’s Day weekend. The play is called “Stranded!” By Megan Orr, it is a comedy about a group of unlikely companions that are stranded on a deserted island and forced to survive.
There is a professional basketball player, a fitness granny, a presidential candidate, Miss America, a cranky sports fisherman, a computer geek, a survival scout, an average teenager and a band of mini-pirates led by a pirate queen.
There is a funny plot twist at the end that makes all of the madcap antics all the more hilarious.FHS drama coach Wendy Bennett says the cast is doing great in rehearsals, already working without having to refer to the script.
Having had more girls try out than boys some of the parts had to change a bit, but it all seems to be working out. The group has been rehearsing for about four weeks on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.Drama Club members must keep their grades up and also can earn their letter just like in any other activity.
The cast is entirely high school students and they have done a really great job of building and developing these quirky characters. Performances will be; Friday, May 9, at 7 p.m., Saturday, May 10, at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m., and Sunday, May 11, at 2 p.m. in the Forks High School Commons TheaterGeneral admission is $5 per person, but there are multi-show discount tickets for those wishing to see the show more than once as well as family-of-four ticket pricing.