Teachers wrote the following:
Hunter Dent
In his own small ways, Hunter clearly shows he cares for his friends. He may think it goes unseen, but it doesn’t. I’m proud of him and the support he offers to those who need it. Keep up the great work, Hunter, and you will surely be a leader among your peers.
Ms. Brickey
Walker Rondeau
I have nominated Walker as a representative of Compassionate in the Student of Character program because he has a giving and caring heart that is displayed frequently in the art classroom. As a particularly strong art student, Walker has done the hard work required to become adept at drawing and art making. He has struggled through making countless mistakes and constantly endeavors to improve himself, so he understands how difficult it can be to grasp artistic principles. As such, he demonstrates compassion in the classroom by selflessly helping others who are struggling with those concepts that he has mastered. He is so eager to help others to see the world in the newly found way that he has developed, that he often puts their needs ahead of his own. He clearly longs for others to experience the joy of artmaking that he has found. To do this, he offers them a peer’s perspective that makes the work relatable, attainable, and of the highest quality. His compassionate nature is commendable and much appreciated by those who experience it.
Dr. Cavill
Donald Colfax
Is a very kind and caring young man. On multiple occasions, I’ve seen him advocate for others and be with them until the situation is resolved. He has a huge heart and clearly cares for others. Donald, thank you for showing compassion and kindness to others. You are a wonderful young man and you can do anything you put your mind to! Thank you for being you!
Mrs. Vander Veur
Jeremy Hutto
Jeremy is such a kind and compassionate human being. He clearly cares for others, helps in every situation possible, and is the biggest hype man when someone needs it. The way he advocates for other people, helps them through challenges, and builds others up is beyond amazing. Jeremy, thank you for showing compassion to others and for always being there for people. Remember to give yourself the same treatment- you deserve it too!
-Mrs. Vander Veur
Michael Pitts
Michael Pitts has the biggest heart for those he cares about as well as for random people off the street. He doesn’t care who a person is, if they need something, he’s there for them. Michael shows compassion in so many ways to so many people and that’s rare to see these days. I know I don’t have to say this because you’ll do it anyway- stay true to yourself, Michael and keep being you! (Like I said, I know that part will never change!) Remember to give yourself compassion at times, you deserve it too!
-Mrs. Vander Veur
Darinel Garcia-Lopez
Darinel has been a wonder to have in class. He is always polite to his peers and consistently on task. Darinel has the trait of compassion, I have seen this with the way that he kindly interacts with his peers. Specifically, when we had a few new students enter the class, he did not hesitate to help acclimate them to classroom rules and tasks. I have been extremely impressed by both Darinel’s positive attitude and his actions.
Ms. Erickson