FMS May Students of the Month

Editor’s Note – Belated congratulations to these FMS Students of the Month. Technical difficulties resulted in not being able to share them until now!

5th Grade:

Wyatt Bechtold

Wyatt’s favorite color is blue. His favorite food is pizza and his favorite animal is a beaver. Wyatt likes math the best this year. In his free time he enjoys riding dirt bikes and playing sports. Wyatt likes school because he gets to see his friends. Wyatt has set a goal of learning how to wheelie by the end of the year. Wyatt’s teachers reported that he is a very responsible student who helps remind others of the expectations in class. One teacher said, “ He treats adults and other students with respect. He is a hard worker and he tries to be funny (he even succeeds at it sometimes).Wyatt is just a good kid.” Another teacher reported, “Wyatt always tries his best and can be consistently depended upon to be a leader in the classroom. His good examples are a model to other students. “ Other students reported that Wyatt is a nice, cooperative, and smart peer that shows great sportsmanship. Wyatt would like to thank his parents for always supporting him. Great job Wyatt!

6th Grade:

Lillian Crippen

Lillian likes the color purple, tacos, raccoons and math. In her free time, Lillian enjoys playing sports and doing art. Lillian likes school because she gets to see her friends. Lillian has gotten on honor roll all year this year and has set the goal of getting honor roll all year again next school year. One teacher reported, “Lilly Crippen is an excellent student, friend and classmate. Lilly will go out of her way to include others, even if they are not part of her immediate friend group; she doesn’t let anyone get left behind or feel secluded. When it comes to her school work, Lilly goes above and beyond; she wants nothing less than an A (even an A- is unacceptable to her) and she will push herself to improve or ask what she can do to increase that grade. Lilly has been a model student all year: honor roll all four quarters, no major referrals (no referrals at all) and gives everything 110%. I look forward to hearing the amazing things Lilly accomplishes as she moves through FMS, onto FHS and beyond because her accomplishments WILL be amazing! Thank you for being an amazing role model to those around you, Lilly!” Another teacher said, “Lilly is a kind and hardworking student who deserves to be student of the month. She makes learning fun! Lilly actively participates in class discussions and is willing to help her peers.” Lillian loves her parents and wants to thank her friend Madeline for always supporting her. Keep up the great work Lillian!

7th Grade:

KyLee Leppell

KyLee has two favorite colors, blue and purple. KyLee’s favorite food is a family special called a Birdy Burger. She likes math, horses, and cheerleading. KyLee likes school because she gets to see her friends. Next year she wants to work on being more confident. One of KyLee’s teachers said, “I have known Kylee for three years. She has a great work ethic and appears to enjoy learning. I love having her in my classes as she has a very kind, calm demeanor. Her patience with her classmates is amazing. I appreciate the way she listens during lessons. She will make eye contact when I am teaching and smile when I make jokes. I don’t know if students know how enjoyable it is to teach when students engage and show they are listening. She has been an absolute joy to teach.” Another of KyLee’s teachers reported, “Kylee is a quiet dependable force in the classroom. I can always count on her to do what she should be doing, despite what other students might be up to. She will always get her work done, do her best, and help her friends if they’re struggling.” KyLee would like to thank her parents for always supporting her. Thank you KyLee for being respectful, responsible, and safe at FMS!

8th Grade:

Julianne Cook

Julianne’s favorites include sage green, cats, and honey walnut shrimp. Her favorite subject in school is ELA. She spends her free time looking on Pinterest and working on world building. She says she likes school because she likes seeing all of her friends. One of Julianne’s teachers said, “Julianne is a great student. She is always respectful and kind to others. She can always be counted on to follow expectations and to do what she should be doing. We will miss having her at FMS when she goes to high school next year.” Another teacher said, “Julianne is a good example to others.” Julianne would like to thank her mom and dad for always supporting her. Thank you, Julianne, for being an amazing student!
