Derek Howell
Derek Howell lives with his dad, Adam Howell, and his step-mom, Cassandra Howell, and his three sisters, Abby, Audrey and Payton. Derek was chosen as Student of the Month for demonstrating remarkable improvement in his behavior and concentration on his schoolwork. He is proud of this change.
Kendall Marshall
Kendall Marshall, a fourth-grader in Ms. Neihouse’s homeroom, is the daughter of Mike and Heidi Marshall. At school, Kendall enjoys her Social Studies class where she’s been learning about the three branches of government and about the state we all live in, the state of Washington. At recess, Kendall enjoys making origami bunnies with her good friends Keira, Macy and Rowan.
Asha Loushin
Asha Loushin is a fifth-grade student in Mrs. Johansen’s homeroom class. Asha’s favorite class is Integrated Science with Mr. Johansen. Asha lives with her dad, Warren, her mom Lorana, her grandma Clemantina and her three brothers Ryan, Robert and Alex. Asha also has one cat named Fluffy. Asha was picked as Student of the Month because she always is kind to people.
William Perez
William Perez is a fifth-grade student in Ms. Lewis’s homeroom. William’s two favorite classes are Literacy with Ms. Lewis and Integrated Science with Mr. Johansen. William lives with his mom Catarina and his brother Luis. William was nominated because he is kind to his classmates.
Jake Weakley
Jake Weakley is the son of Kyle and Stephanie Weakley. He is 12 years old and a sixth-grader at Forks Intermediate School. He is a hardworking, respectful and a helpful young man. Jake is a wonderful combination of athlete, outdoorsman and a good friend to many, especially his teammates. He describes himself as fast, friendly, loyal and athletic.
Raven Edwards
Raven Edwards is the daughter of Jamie and Julie Edwards. She is 12 years old and a sixth-grader at Forks Intermediate School. Raven is an extremely kind, respectful, responsible and hardworking young woman. She helps others every day and is a friend to many and also shares her caring nature with animals, too. She puts her words into action in everything she does. Raven sets a great example for others.