Last Friday, Heather Wilcox began collecting funds to build a wheelchair ramp for Officer Mike Gentry. Gentry was injured recently when trying to apprehend an alleged DUI suspect. Knowing Gentry’s badly broken leg would make it difficult to maneuver a wheel chair up steps the call went out to the community for the construction of a ramp.
As Wilcox was making her rounds she ran in to Forks Lions Club member Guy Ruble. At 9 a.m. the next morning Ruble and several other Lions were on site at Gentry’s house with materials and by 1:30 p.m. the wheel chair ramp was finished.
In addition to Lions Club members, Wilcox and her crew, that included Tim Lester and Zane Bennett, also assisted with the building of the ramp.
Wilcox would like to thank all that opened their hearts and their wallets to donate to the purchase of the materials and to the Forks Lions Club who donated their labor. Wilcox said that Ruble told her, "We take care of our own." Time and again the Forks Lions Club does just that.