During December, the Forks Middle School Prevention Club students held a holiday food drive to assist the local Forks Food Bank. They were told by food bank director Pat Soderlind that there is an increase in people receiving food assistance through the food bank this winter.
The Prevention Club students provided donation boxes in each class that holds a class meeting, a component of the new anti-bullying Olweus Program. The class bringing in the most food would be awarded a root beer float party.
The club’s goal was to receive enough canned and pre-packaged food to fill the display case in the main hall across from the cafeteria. The drive ended Dec. 13 and a total 724 items were donated by FMS students and staff. The food filled the case only half way but the club members were very proud of their community service project. The competition ended in a tie between seventh-grade teachers Mr. McIrvin’s and Mrs. Rohrer’s classes, 200 items each.
On Wednesday, Dec. 18, both classes received their root beer float party and top donors Joanne Jackson from Mr. McIrvin’s class and Lindsy Obi-Williams, of Mrs. Rohrer’s class, were awarded a “root beer float grande” along with a Certificate of Appreciation for their generous donations.