Forks Police say beware of suspicious activity

Wood Street home burglarized, resident distracted

On Tuesday, Jan. 17 around 2:00 p.m. a residence on Wood Street was burglarized, according to a Forks Police Department report. 

“The resident gave a person, known to her, a ride and was reportedly gone for about ten minutes,” Forks Police Department Sgt. Ed Klahn told the Forks Forum. “When the resident came home she found her back door kicked in. Several items were taken from the residence.”

Klahn said it was possible that the homeowner was “purposely distracted away from her residence so an accomplice could burglarize the home while she was away.”

“Neighbors did report that they had seen a male subject with a backpack check the front and back of the home while the homeowner was away," Klahn said, "but could not give a good description.” 

Another report given to the police put the subject who asked for a ride from the homeowner with another male subject in the area prior to the burglary.

“It seems as though criminals are planning their burglaries out and are succeeding,” Klahn said. “Forks-area residents are encouraged to report suspicious activity to the police as soon as possible. Do not put yourselves in danger, but try to obtain as much information as you can safely.”

He said clear descriptions and/or identifying information from community members will, and already has, helped Forks Police Department officers and law officers from other agencies solve these types of crimes. 

Anyone who suspects suspicious activity should call the Forks Police Department police at 374-2223, or call the Crimestoppers Tip Line at 800-222-8477. In the event of an emergency call 9-1-1.