Forks Post Office Carrier Jennie Roberts saves young child

Receives commendation from USPS


Post Office award

Chris Cook Forks Forum photo

Forks Post Office Carrier Jennie Roberts (holding award certificate) received an commendation from the United States Postal Service on Wednesday morning, May 2. Forks Acting Postmaster Laura Huling (to the right of Roberts) presented the award after gathering the Forks Post Office staff in the post office lobby. Huling said Roberts spotted a young child wandering along Bogachiel Way in snowy weather near its intersection with Russell Road. Huling described the situation in an email to the Forks Forum: "In March of this year while delivering mail Jen saw a toddler wearing only a diaper and boots in a busy roadway on a very wet and cold day. The bus had just dropped a passenger off. The bus driver and the passenger  who was blind had apparently not seen the toddler. Jen was able to exit her vehicle and chase the toddler down who ran from her. Jen stayed with the toddler until the Forks Police arrived. We assume the toddler was reunited with his parents because we never heard anymore about it."