On Saturday, Feb. 23, eleven Soroptimists from Forks joined 50 other Soroptimist members at the Port Angeles Yacht Club for their annual area meeting hosted by Soroptimist International Port Angeles Jet Set club. Other clubs attending were from Sequim, Port Angeles Noon Club, Greater Bremerton, Port Orchard, and Greater North Kitsap. District 1 Director Karen Marshall was in attendance to update everyone on Soroptimist happenings at the next level.
Lunch was provided by Little Devil’s Lunch Box and was delicious. Presidents from each club in attendance were asked to give a brief report on what was going on in their clubs. The Forks club was the only club to bring a basket to raffle off. The raffle earned them $362 to go towards their “Dream It Do It” program. Thanks to all the businesses, community members and club members who donated to the basket. Your generosity was very much appreciated! It’s always good fun to get together with other women who share the same passion and work together to uphold the true meaning of Soroptimist, “Best for Women.” Submitted Photo