Forks Timber Museum seeks names of 1960s log truck drivers

Hungry Bear Cafe's snapshot collection on display

Forks Timber Museum

Chris Cook – Forks Forum photo

A framed board with dozens of snapshots of log trucks and drivers is on display at the Forks Timber Museum.

Curator Sherrill Fouts is seeking to identify the log truck drivers pictured. Some names, such as Barry Swanson and Frank Olson, are known. 

Fouts said the owners and employees of the Hungry Bear Cafe at Bear Creek back in the 1960s took the Kodak print snapshots. June Cassel, who helped found and is now involved with the Forks Logger Memorial located one door down from the Forks Timber Museum, found the board of photos, Fouts said.

She said the photos were likely taken when the log truck drivers would stop at the cafe for breakfast or lunch, or a cup of coffee.

Help in identifying the drivers and their companies would be appreciated, Fouts said. Anyone with remembrances of the photo taking, or if they know if there were more boards with photos back in the 60s era at the cafe, is welcome to stop by the museum or call during weekdays to 374-9663.