Friends of Hoko River State Park thinking of Spring

As winter begins to allow spring to show its colors, ideas start to percolate and lists of preparation begin. Friends of Hoko River State Park begin to gather partners to ready the John Cowan Heritage Ranch for spring.  What does “ready for spring” mean?  


1. Scratching in the historical flowerbeds to separate the weeds from the garden plants, following the advice of the Forks Garden Club that visited, identified plants and evaluated the beds around the home.


2. Pruning historical fruit trees and working with the Olympic Orchard Society to install root stock and graft historical fruit scion donated by neighbors and relatives. For instance, Emil Person has an “Alexander” apple tree.


3. Organize teams for developing demonstration garden plots to exhibit various methods for gardening in the Olympic Peninsula West End, such as raised beds, lasagna gardening, instant gardens, till and rake, green fertilized beds and more.


4. Plan volunteer work parties to clean and maintain the Little Hoko River Trail, under the direction of Bill Riedel and park staff.


5. Create a bee yard with Paul Bowlby and others. This team will work with beekeepers and enthusiasts and interested beginners. Building bee boxes and supers is planned along with hive splitting and re-queening. Clallam Bay Sekiu Lions will be producing mason bee blocks.


6. Assess priorities and design action plans for maintenance and repairs of yard art, wagon wheel gates and fences, led by Emil Person.


7. Work on funding and plans for cleaning and repair of the 1909 historical farmhouse and plan tours.


8. Study and catalog the artifacts and history of the Cowan Ranch with Dr. Nancy Messmer, Sequim Museum and Arts Center staff, Washington State Park staff and family members and friends. Plan displays and exhibits. Conduct oral history interviews and offer programs.


More and more activities will emerge as volunteers and interested contributors come forward to give their time, knowledge and skills, according to board chairman Roy Morris. The Friends of Hoko River State Park accepts cash donations for these efforts, held in an account with the Clallam Bay Sekiu Lions Club.


To join in, contact the Friends of Hoko River State Park at 360-963-2442 or Better yet, plan to attend the “Get Ready for Spring” meetings on Wednesday, Feb. 19, and Wednesday, March 5. Meetings will be at 5 p.m. at the Clallam Bay Sekiu Lions Club on Bogachiel Street, Clallam Bay.


Friends of the Hoko River State Park thank you for reading this and spreading the word about the work of the at Cowan Heritage Ranch.

Tours begin in July, 2-4 p.m. on Sundays in July, August and September.

The public is welcome and cordially invited.