Future of West End broadband Internet focus of meeting


The offices of Sen. Patty Murray and Rep. Derek Kilmer are sponsoring a roundtable discussion on expanding broadband service to the West End.

Broadband infrastructure gaps on the West End will be a focus of the meeting, which is scheduled for Tuesday, March 12 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Olympic Natural Resources Center. 

Anyone interested in attending should RSVP to Alexandra Fastle with Senator Murray’s office at 206-553-7801.

A press release states, “Through presentations and conversations we will determine the current status of broadband, identify broadband needs, explore opportunities, learn about resources and identify those interested in working together to increase broadband availability. Broadband is critical to our region’s vitality. By sharing the needs and resources available to stakeholders and working in a collaborative manner, this meeting provides an important step to increase broadband access leading to greater resources for telemedicine, distance learning, economic development and emergency services for West End communities.”