Pat Neal will talk about the importance of heritage sites at the Clallam County Historical Society’s History Tales presentation on Sunday, June 3, at 2:30 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church, 110 E. Seventh St., Port Angeles. The program will be held in the social hall; parking and entry are on Laurel Street.
Pat Neal is known today for his newspaper columns and talks about fishing, hunting, guiding and wildlife in the West End of Clallam County. But back in the late 1970s, Neal worked on a cultural resource survey for Clallam County. Shortly after the passage of the National Historic Preservation Act, Pat researched, documented and photographed historic buildings, places, and sites for Clallam County, the state historic preservation office and Olympic National Park. This survey is housed in the Research Library of the Clallam County Historical Society and will be the subject of Neal’s presentation.
Neal just received the Special Achievement Award from the Washington State Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation. He was recognized for his many years of advocating for and recording history and heritage sites in Clallam County and the Olympic Peninsula. His body of work marked the first systematic effort to create a permanent record of these places, and his work set the stage for subsequent efforts to include the data in planning for long-term preservation.
Neal’s presentation at History Tales will highlight the work he did for this survey.
History Tales is free and open to the public. For further information, call the Clallam County Historical Society’s office at 360-452-2662 or email