Last week, Interwest Construction Inc. (ICI) set up temporary traffic signals and established the bypass for one-lane traffic in the eastbound lane at MP 10.5 (Canyon Creek). The traffic signals will be in place at this location until the bridge over Canyon Creek is completed later in September of this year.
This week, ICI will begin excavation for the bridge abutment foundations and roadway alignment, in preparation for bridge abutment piles to be constructed in May.
Please visit the project website at the link below for more information about this project.
Impacts to Traffic:
• Temporary traffic control signals and/or flaggers can be expected at all times at Canyon Creek, MP 10.5.
• Expect delays up to 30 minutes through the project limits (MP 3 through MP 11) between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., weekdays, and minor delays at the traffic signals outside of these hours.
• Olympic National Park and businesses along Upper Hoh River Road will remain accessible at all times during construction.