Hot Thunder Nite

While the temperature was not hot …many car enthusiasts still gathered downtown Saturday night to hear some live music, visit, and enjoy the Forks Lions Club Beer Garden. Since other activities and weddings were also happening that night …food choices were few …so the Lions scrambled and got the grill going for some burgers and hot dogs! Photos Christi Baron

Cars lined the street Saturday night as clouds cleared earlier in the day … a little drizzle occurred later … but didn’t dampen spirits!

Cars lined the street Saturday night as clouds cleared earlier in the day … a little drizzle occurred later … but didn’t dampen spirits!

Bill with his Elks Cadillac …and in case he hasn’t nabbed you yet …he has Elks Calendars for Sale!!

Bill with his Elks Cadillac …and in case he hasn’t nabbed you yet …he has Elks Calendars for Sale!!

Checking it out under the hood.

Checking it out under the hood.

Steven Grant Hurley brought some of his 1990s-era mowers.

Steven Grant Hurley brought some of his 1990s-era mowers.

Turquoise Turbo ….

Turquoise Turbo ….