The Jefferson County Historical Society will hold its fifth West End History Weekend Nov. 15-17.
JCHS Executive Director Bill Tennent said, “There are two major goals of the weekend — to encourage people from eastern Jefferson County to explore that beautiful and historical area of our county and to collect stories and historical information from West End residents.”
The historical Kalaloch Lodge will be the headquarters for the event. The Forks Timber Museum will be open for visitors traveling through Forks on their way to Kalaloch on Friday, Nov. 15, 1-4 p.m. “Hope in Hard Times” an exhibit about the Great Depression in Jefferson County will be on display in the Kalaloch Lodge library on Friday evening.
On Saturday, Nov. 16, Gary Peterson will share stories at Peak 6 Store on the Hoh River Valley Road. Visitors may drop in between 10 a.m.-1 p.m. to hear him tell stories of the upper Hoh River. Peterson is a fifth-generation native of the valley and descendant of the legendary Minnie Peterson who ran horse packing trips into the high Olympics from the family homestead for some 50 years. He co-edited and expanded the book, “Gods & Goblins: a Field Guide to Place Names of Olympic National Park.” Peterson will tell the story of the 1808 wreck of the Russian ship Nikolai which brought the first non-native woman on the Olympic Peninsula. Peterson also will point out the nearby location where the monument to the wreck is being constructed.
At 2 p.m., in the Kalaloch Lodge library, Olympic National Park physical scientist Bill Baccus will present “Olympic Glaciers: Past, Present, Future.” Baccus will discuss how glaciers provide a window into the past as well as an ongoing record of climate change. He’ll present new research and photography that demonstrate the dramatic retreat of the glaciers. He has worked at the park for over 25 years on a wide range of long-term monitoring projects including climate, glaciers, air quality, mountain lakes, elk and coastal ecosystems.
At 4 p.m. author Glynda Schaad will share tales from her book “Women to Reckon With: Untamed Women of the Olympic Wilderness,” which brings together the stories of 12 adventurous 19th century Olympic Peninsula women. Schaad is a fifth-generation native of the Olympic Peninsula. She received an English degree from Seattle Pacific University and a master’s degree from the University of Washington. She teaches at English composition and literature at Peninsula College in Port Angeles and Forks.
West End residents are invited to have their stories recorded throughout the weekend by the JCHS Oral History team. The recordings will become part of the county-wide oral and video history collection. West End residents also may bring in historical photographs and artifacts that they wish to donate to the Jefferson County Historical Society.
For more information about collections or to schedule an interview, contact the society at 360-385-1003.
For reservations at Kalaloch Lodge beginning at $75, call 866-662-9969 and ask for “75 for 75” or book online at