By John Leavitt
Literally and figuratively speaking, this country could be going to pot. Even as a former drug and alcohol counselor (trainee) I am no expert on the subject, but I have enough knowledge to know it could be dangerous.
I’m not here to argue over the use of medical marijuana or even the recreational use of it. In fact, I could care less about what it does or doesn’t do for the most part. Don’t get me wrong, I know it helps people to relax and feel good just like alcohol can and any other drug for that matter, but I also know that all of them can mess you up if given the chance.
Anything can or could be an addiction, gambling, sex, drugs, pornography and even eating for that matter. My biggest concern is how to help make our city, state, country and yes world a better place to live without addictions.
Well, I guarantee it’s not by allowing everything to become legal or by making it illegal. Just because a group of people have the voice or money to change the laws to suit their needs, doesn’t make them right.
I am not even going to pull out my faith card, just yet. I was against drugs and alcohol abuse long before that came into play in my life.
I didn’t like what alcohol abuse or drug addiction did to people. I saw what happened to family and friends when they were misused long before Christ came into my life.
I won’t go into detail about my family or friends because all of us have someone in our life that had or has an addiction of some sort and have been or are being affected by it. If not, congratulations you are in the minority.
Many years ago a wise man told me to invest in cattle and land. He said there is only so much land and people will always want it. He said the cattle can be used tosale and eat if needed.
I imagine you could throw in a milk cow as well, just for good measure. While I believe these to be good investments, I’d like to go one step further and say, invest in youth/people as well.
I’ll go into depth with that in my next article probably.
We have so many people covering up or avoiding hurt, neglect, abuse or even boredom with the use of drugs or another form of addiction. So in this let’s feelgood world, we’ve created or allowed lives to be altered by poor choices instead of helping them deal with their issues and working through them. I know we may not be able to help everybody, as some just don’t want the help.
Sunday before last, at church I was asked if I would think about going back into the chemical dependency field, after praying I feel at this time I am not to do so. I left the C.D. field mainly because I felt I could do more good outside of it, as a whole.
My heart aches for so many people that are hurting, that I don’t feel led to limit myself to one particular group of society.
Here’s where I pull out my faith card and put it into play. I have told you I pray for wisdom and guidance on how to make the world a better place to live. I feel I am to continue to do my photography and share God’s love and beauty with others.
My business is called “What I see Photography and Ministry” for a reason. As I prayed about the name, I knew it was to be more than a business, it would be a ministry. I’ve asked The Lord to let me see life and the world through his eyes for the past 21 years and thought about it long before that, because I wanted to make a difference in this world.
That is why a portion of every photo/canvas sold will go to help fight against cancer, addiction or other causes that will make this world a better place to live, one photo at a time.
This is not a religious issue or whether you believe in Heaven or Hell. It is simply me asking you to help heal a hurting world and make it a better place to live by doing your part? Love, John
“Keeping Watch” Photo was taken at Rialto Beach by John Leavitt
I can be reached by Email:
Address: What I see Photography & Ministry P.O. Box 131 Forks, WA. 98331
Phone: 360-640-9186