Last day for Forks’ Bank of America

Bank branch closed for good

Bank of America

Lonnie Archibald photo

Forks branch of Bank Of America bank manager Michael Riggan hangs a sign on the entrance door of the bank located on South Forks Ave. at 2 p.m. Friday, Jan. 20 when the bank officially closed its door for good. Riggan is moving to a management position in Forks with Pettit Oil. Bank of America’s announcement of the closing made in fall 2011 cited a lack of business at the bank as the cause of its closing. Nationwide, Bank of America is undergoing a downsizing. On Friday the Washington Post called the reorganized banking corporation "slimmed down, stripped of its swagger and no longer the biggest bank in the country." The Charlotte, N.C-based. firm announced $1.58 billion in net income to common shareholders in the last quarter of 2011, a big turnaround from a $1.6 billion loss in the same quarter in 2010. A branch of Bank of America in Port Angeles is now handling Forks customers, and is located at 134 West 8th Street. The downtown Bank of America in Port Angeles was also closed down as part of the reorganization of the corporation.