On May 5-6, from 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. at the Family First Center, 945 S. Forks Ave, Clallam County Health and Human Services

On May 5-6, from 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. at the Family First Center, 945 S. Forks Ave, Clallam County Health and Human Services will offer APPLIED SUICIDE INTERVENTION SKILLS TRAINING (ASIST)

Learn to be a more willing, capable and confident care-giver to those having thoughts of suicide. For a variety of reasons, people often find themselves having thoughts of suicide.  These people are in the “river of suicide”.  Lifeguards trained in suicide first-aid who can help get them out of the river and linked to the appropriate resources are needed.

ASIST teaches suicide first-aid intervention skills.

Over the course of the two-day workshop (15 training hours) you will learn specific skills that help you identify those at risk and how to better listen to and care for those having thoughts of suicide.

The workshop is open to all. Target audience is anyone who may come into contact with someone having thoughts of suicide.

Registration is free for Clallam County residents. Register by April 30.  Seating is limited to 15 so register early.  Mandatory 2-day participation.  Continental breakfast and lunch will be served.

Questions? Contact Leeann Grasseth at 3600-565-2608 or lgrasseth@co.clallam.wa.us.

Sponsored by: Clallam County Health and Human Service, Washington Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery, and Forks Community Coalition