Longest Night Service

December 21st

at 7 p.m.

Pastor Warren Johnson from the Congregational Church, along with Pastor Steven Owen from the Assembly of God, and Jesse Simmons from the Church of Nazarene will be bringing words of comfort at the Longest Night Service on Thursday, Dec. 21, at 7 p.m. at the Congregational Church, 280 S. Spartan Ave.

This year has been a strain on many of our community members for several different reasons. More than ever we need the light of Jesus Christ to bring joy plus hope to our hearts. The days are getting shorter and the Holiday Season is upon us and we are supposed to be happy and cheerful.

For many in our community, this is not a happy time of the year, maybe it is the first Christmas without a loved one, or you have lost someone in the past which brings on feelings of loneliness.

Maybe you are taking care of a family member that is sick or in and out of the hospital. Layoffs and loss of employment make us feel empty inside. Our Community and the surrounding Communities are experiencing an exceptional amount of loss and loneliness due to some circumstances that are shocking to our everyday lives.

The Blue Christmas or Longest Night service is a reassuring time to get together and know that you are not alone; there are people that love you and support you on your life journey no matter where you might be.

This is the 30th year that we have been gathering for the longest night service. Please bring an ornament in remembrance of a loved one that you can place on the memory tree. Members of our community have been putting ornaments on this tree since 1993.

If you bring an ornament please write on it so in future years when we put them on the tree we know who they are for. We will also be lighting candles to reflect the lives of those we miss, long for, or just give our burdens up to Jesus.

This is a nondenominational/Ecumenical event where everyone is welcome. So please come and support one another as the light of the world. We can overcome the darkness, or whatever else might be holding you down by joining together.

Thanks for considering joining us for the Longest Night Service.

Blessings, Comfort, and Peace: Pastor Warren Johnson