Mystery Photo Identified and Welcome New FPD Officer

A mystery surrounding a 1942 photograph taken in front of the old Annex school building has been solved, thanks to the memories of a former resident. Adria Fuhrman brought the photo to the Forks Forum a few weeks ago, curious if anyone could recall the event it captured. The image sparked a discussion on the Forks Forum Facebook page, with residents sharing their memories of attending school in the building. The mystery was solved when Donna Maxfield Hansen, who was present at the event, shared her recollections on social media.

Donna, who was a second grader at the time, provided some details. “I was in second grade, and my teacher was Miss M—though I can’t quite remember her full name,” Donna recalled. “These vehicles were brought to school to show us we were safe during World War II. We were even given rides in them. It was frightening times for us kids, with the air raids during those days.”

The event took place at a time when the Olympic Peninsula was considered one of the most vulnerable regions in the contiguous United States. Hansen remembers being marched to a nearby park, as part of the event.

Donna described those years as “quite an adventure.” Her recollections have solved the mystery of the photo and also provided a glimpse into life on the Olympic Peninsula during a critical period in history.

The Forks Forum thanks Adria and Donna and all who shared their memories.

And this just in …

A new Forks Police Department Officer stopped by on Monday …Welcome Tanner Rakoz!

Christi Baron, Editor