National Adoption Day to be celebrated by Clallam Court

Are you an adoptive family, someone considering adoption, or wish to support those who have adopted children?


If so, on Thursday, Nov. 15 at 10:00 a.m, Clallam County Superior Court will open its doors to finalize adoptions in Clallam County as part of National Adoption Day This one day celebrates the joys of adoption and encourages more people to create or grow families through adoption. We’re joining a nationwide effort to call attention to the more than 100,000 children waiting in the United States foster care system.


Following the adoptions at 10:30 a.m. there will be a short program where a few guest speakers who will share their personal experiences with foster care and adoption following their remarks, there will be a reception with light refreshments served.


Every year more than 4,000 adoptions are finalized as part of National Adoption Day, and communities host events to celebrate families formed through adoption. It is also a day to draw attention to the nearly 30,000 children who turn 18 without having forever families.


There also will be activities to celebrate families who adopt and provide information to prospective parents about the adoption process. From November 12 -16, there will be a public display at the Clallam County Courthouse which will provide information regarding foster care and adoption in the State of Washington.