Neah Bay Coast Guard medevacs woman, 72, off cruise ship

The Coast Guard medically evacuated a 72-year-old woman reportedly suffering stroke-like symptoms off  the cruise ship Norwegian Pearl 17 miles northwest of Neah Bay on Monday.


Coast Guard Sector Puget Sound Command Center received a call at approximately 11 p.m., Sunday from the Norwegian Pearl requesting that  a woman, who was not identified, be medevaced off  the ship.


Sector Puget Sound conducted a conference call between the duty flight surgeon and the Norwegian Pearl’s physician to discuss the patient’s symptoms and best course of action. Both agreed the patient should be removed from the ship, as the next port-of-call for Norwegian Pearl was in two days.


A crew from the Neah Bay Coast Guard station launched a 47-foot rescue boat and arrived on scene at approximately 12:40 a.m. to transfer the patient off  the Norwegian Pearl.


The patient was taken to Coast Guard Station Neah Bay, where she was  transferred to an Air Station Port Angeles MH- 65 Dolphin helicopter and airlifted to Olympic Medical Center in Port Angeles.


There was no update on her medical condition.