NorthWest Women’s Chorale to perform Wolcom Yole!

The NorthWest Women’s Chorale is presenting a winter concert, Wolcom Yole! at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 11 at the Forks Congregational Church, 280 S. Spartan Ave.  


The concert features Benjamin Brittain’s Ceremony of Carols, accompanied solely by harpist, John Manno.  Pianist, Kristin Quigley-Brye, will accompany many of the other pieces on the program.


The program is directed by Joy Lingerfelt, the Port Angeles-based NWWC began in late 2006 and held their first concert in the spring of 2007. As part of their mission, the chorale of 20 voices wants to bring their music to the entire Olympic Peninsula.


“There will be a diversity of music from all over the world,” Lingerfelt said. On the program for the evening are songs from Poland, Switzerland, France, England, Germany and Norway. The chorale will also present the concert at 3 p.m. in Port Townsend on Saturday, Dec. 4 and at 7 p.m. on Monday, December 13 at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Port Angeles.


Rebekah Cadorette will interpret the music by signing for the deaf. Her special talents are funded partially by a grant from the Lion’s Club of Port Angeles.


Tickets are $10 at the door.