Olympic Coast MATE ROV-Team results

On Saturday, May 18 the MATE ROV competition was held at the Forks Aquatic Center. This activity is an underwater robotics competition for Olympic Peninsula middle and high school kids.

The results for the 2024 Olympic Coast MATE ROV competition are as follows:

Ten schools participated from Forks Middle School, Quileute Tribal School, Lake Quinault School District, and Neah Bay High School.

For the Scout class competition out of eight teams the top three teams:

1 – Turtle Frogs (Lake Quinault School District)

2 – Sea Turtles (Forks Middle School)

3 – Coral Buddies (Lake Quinault School District)

Two teams competed in Navigator class this year and placing was as follows:

1 – The Cleanup Crew (Quileute Tribal School)

2 – Slack Tides (Forks Middle School)
