Thousands of West End residents were without power Sunday for more than four hours because of a failure at the Sappho substation.
Power was knocked out shorty after 11 a.m., said Mike Howe, spokesman for the Clallam County Public Utility District. It came back on at 3:41 p.m.
Howe said the power outage was related to miswiring from Bonneville Power Administration’s work at the substation. The BPA had cut power as planned Saturday night for the maintenance work.
The outage cut power to areas west of Lake Crescent, Howe said.
In Forks, police set out emergency stop signs as the outage cut the power to the Forks Avenue stop light.
The West End Thunder drag races at the Forks Airport were stopped for a time, as the outage cut power to the event’s timing devices, organizer Cary Bourm said. Racers grabbed generators to provide power and finish the day’s race slate.