Public invited to hear about Russell Road project.

Monday, March 5 at City Council Chambers

The City of Forks is holding a public meeting on the Russell Road/Mill Creek Culvert Replacement Project. The meeting is set for Monday, March 5 from 6 to 7 p.m. in the City Council Chambers.

City staff and consultants from project contractor ExelTech plan to go over the proposal for the replacement of the Russell Road/Mill Creek Culverts.  Draft design documents will be available for review and discussion.  An open house approach will be utilized with the objective of having the City of Forks’ staff and consultants providing a brief overview of the project, its funding source, and the specific design issues associated with the project. 

The project is scheduled to get underway later this year. Once completed the closed section of Russell Road, where it crosses over Mill Creek, will be reopened allowing traffic to flow down Russell Road from Highway 101.