Puffin review

A few weeks ago, I stood outside the new Puffin Store and watched a pizza delivery car pull up. I thought to myself, “Well, isn’t that ironic?! Someone at THIS store has the...........

A few weeks ago, I stood outside the new Puffin Store and watched a pizza delivery car pull up. I thought to myself, “Well, isn’t that ironic?! Someone at THIS store has the munchies? That column is going to write itself!” And just why was I standing outside a store that sells all things marijuana? Let me start from the beginning …


Occasionally, my friends and I like to get together to take a break away from our kids … and then spend the entire evening talking about our kids. If for some reason we are not talking about our kids, we probably are just looking through our phones to find a pictures of our kids to show each other. We’re ridiculous.

Anyway, on the evening of the munchies incident, we decided to spend our “time away” at the new Puffin on 101 Café. Walking in, I was surprised that the inside of the building didn’t look as familiar as I expected it to. Then again, the last time I was in there was to celebrate my 21st birthday … two weeks after my birthday by the way, because my appendix tried to kill me then.

Back to the point though, the inside of the new restaurant is very nice. The owners did a really nice job on the place. The food was really good too! However, I should mention that I would never make a good food critic. I like food. All food. I will eat anything … with the exception of any type of liver. I just don’t see how any good can come of eating a filter system.

Once we were done with a very delicious dinner (that didn’t include liver), we decided to check out the store upstairs. None of us are partakers in the products they sell, but we wanted to look around anyway. The first part of the store is a gift shop, but there is a door that separates the boys from the men. Literally. There was an ID-Checker-Outer there. That’s the technical term for one who checks ID’s by the way.

My friends all had their ID’s, but I generally leave mine in my car. I told everyone, “I’ll be right back. My ID is in my car.” My ID was not in my car. I instantly flash-backed to the 2,349 times when, carded as a minor, I tried to use that lame excuse. Somehow, here I was again, swearing my ID was in the car … but at 31 years old. I was very embarrassed until I realized that, as a 31-year old, there are worse things than someone assuming you are under 21.

Side note: He probably just asks everyone to show ID because it’s a new store, but I’m going to pretend that he thought I was a minor.

I told my friends I would just wait outside for them. “We’ll be out in a minute!” They replied. 33.7 minutes later they returned. I have no idea why they took so long in there, but I did hear one of them offering $40 for a piece of pizza. Ha ha, I’m totally KIDDING! She offered $50.

E-mail christyrasmussen@yahoo.com for questions, comments or to get a free review for your restaurant. Liver sellers need not apply.