Quileute Tribal Council for 2012 named

Quileute land bill approved by House of Representatives Quileute land bill approved by House of Representatives

Quileute Tribal Council

Emily Foster – The Talking Raven photo

The Quileute Tribal Council – (from left) Treasurer Lonnie Foster, Chairman Tony Foster, Vice-Chair Deanna Hobson, Secretary Naomi Jacobson and Member-at-Large Chas Woodruff listen as respected Quileute Elder Russell Woodruff, father of Chas Woodruff, addressed the newly-elected council.

On Jan. 20 the Quileute people elected Naomi Jacobson and Chas Woodruff to serve on the Quileute Tribal Council.

Jacobson and Woodruff took the seats of 2011 Chairwoman Bonita Cleveland and 2009 Chairwoman Carol Hatch.  Hatch served as secretary on the 2011 tribal council.

 During the tribal council reorganization, the council members chose council members for the following positions:

• Chairman: Tony Foster

• Vice-Chair: Deanna Hobson

• Secretary: Naomi Jacobson

• Treasurer: Lonnie Foster

• Member at Large: Chas Woodruff.

Vice-Chair and veteran council member Deanna Hobson’s said of the reorganization of the council:

“The Quileute Indian Tribe and it’s members have a great opportunity to take control of our own destinies as a nation.  I look foward to the future planning efforts of the Tribe for community and economic development, in order to fulfill meeting the needs of our Tribe.

“I am excited to visualize and set the necessary goals of Tribe to accomplish in the future.  I will be committed to design and implement the necessary goals that the membership may set forth for the future.  It is my hope that the general tribal membership will become involved in this process, for the Quileute nation.”  

Newly elected member Naomi Jacobson’s QTC Reorganization Announcement remarks:

“I am so honored to have been elected by the people of my Tribe. I reflect on the years that my Grandfather served our Tribe in this position of leadership. I will always have respect for him and the others that he stood beside, working together to improve our community. I look forward to discovering new opportunities which will enhance the Quileute Tribe, and maintaining what others worked so hard to achieve. Our hunting and fishing rights as well as our sovereignty. We are unique in our culture and we strive to regain what has been lost.”

Land bill approved by House

The Quileute Tribe is one big step closer to acquiring Olympic National Park lands located on the plateau above the oceanfront LaPush village. The tribe is seeking to move residents living in tsunami zones along the coast up to higher ground for safety. The land would be given in exchange for permanent public access to the Quileute-owned section of trail that links LaPush Road – SR110 to the Olympic National Park trail that leads to Second Beach plus access to other beach areas that require crossing Quileute land to access.

The U.S. House of Representatives approved the bill 381-7. U.S. Rep. Norm Dicks (D-Hoquiam) introduced the bill. The U.S. Senate must also approved the bill. A vote is expected this spring.