QVSD Locked-down on Tuesday

According to Forks Police Administrator Rick Bart, a situation at Forks Community Hospital, where a potentially dangerous patient fled, led to a lock-down at ......

According to Forks Police Administrator Rick Bart, a situation at Forks Community Hospital, where a potentially dangerous patient fled, led to a lock-down at Forks Schools on Tuesday morning.

Forks Police officers and others pursued the individual and he was later returned to FCH.


The following letter is being sent to QVSD parents regarding Tuesday’s Lock-Down.



Office of Superintendent

May 4, 2016


Dear Parent or Guardian:


The purpose of this letter is to notify you of an incident that occurred yesterday, May 3, 2016.

Forks High School received a phone call from the Port Angeles dispatch office at approximately 11 :06 a.m. that the Clallam County Sheriff’s department directed all Forks Schools to go into lockdown as a result of a potential threat.


School personnel in each of the District’s schools and departments responded immediately and followed our District Lock-Down protocol in order to ensure safety for all students and staff.


Staff responded appropriately and took the incident very seriously. At 11:09 a.m., the Port Angeles dispatch office contacted me to notify us that we were officially released from lock-down and that there was no longer a potential threat.



If you have any questions, please contact your student’s building principal or my office.



Diana Reaume

Quillayute Valley School District Superintendent

Quillayute Valley School District Number 402

411 S Spartan Avenue • Forks, Washington 98331-0060

Phone (360) 374-6262 • Fax (360) 374-6990



Regarding the lockdown at the school district Tuesday, May 3 QVSD Superintendent Diana Reaume said, “Dispatch called and we followed the directive from the Sheriff’s Department. Law enforcement has the jurisdiction to place us in lockdown. We knew the threat was from outside, so we completed a lockdown in place. I was really proud of how quickly and professionally our staff handled the situation.”


Why were parents not called?

“It actually is NOT in our protocol to call parents. We do not want our parents to come to the school if there is a threat. We have a reunification plan after an event,” Reaume said.