Friday, April 28
3-6 p.m. Welcome Washington Coast Cleanup: Meet and take selfies with Redd and Fin the Chum Salmon, a giant sculpture — Native to Twilight Parking Lot.
Saturday, April 29
Morning Washington Coast Cleanup sponsored by CoastSavers. Register online at:
9 a.m. — Noon Umbrella Decorating hosted by WOCA. This year’s parade theme is undersea creatures. Bring your creature costumes! — ICN Building at 71 N. Spartan Ave. (Enter from the parking lot in back).
10 a.m.-3 p.m. Forks Open Aire Market — Umpqua Bank
10 a.m.-5 p.m. John’s Beachcombing Museum — Special Early Season Opening
(143 Andersonville Ave.) Admission: General $5; seniors and veterans $4; youths 12-21 $2; Under-12 free.
Noon-1 p.m. Undersea and Umbrella Parade: Route runs from the ICN building down Spartan Avenue to Native to Twilight. Bring your creature costumes! Treats at the Native to Twilight parking lot
1 p.m. Children’s Book Giveaway. Hosted by the Clallam County Literacy Council — Native to Twilight Parking Lot
1 p.m. Undersea Chalk Art Extravaganza — Native to Twilight parking lot
1-6 p.m. Welcome Washington Coast Cleanup: Meet and take selfies with Redd and Fin the Chum Salmon, a giant sculpture — Native to Twilight parking lot
2 p.m. Hula Welcome — Maureen Winn — Native to Twilight parking lot
3-6 p.m. What the Tide Washed In Trio — Native to Twilight parking lot
6 p.m. — Doors Open Natural Resources Booths and Displays — RAC
7 -9 p.m. River &Ocean Film Festival; Bake Sale to Benefit CoastSavers