Rejoice in Joyce!

By Christy Rasmussen Ford


I was in Joyce the other day. I know that you’re asking yourself what is in Joyce. Absolutely nothing. I stopped in to see my cousins who, for whatever reason, decided this town would be a great place to live.

As soon as I pulled into Joyce, I got a text message from my carrier welcoming me to Canada. Dear Verizon, this is very insulting to Joyce. Sure, it might not be the dreamiest town to live in, but it’s better than Canada for goodness sake! After all, Justin Bieber is from Canada! Not having any celebrities from your town always beats having to claim Justin Bieber.


The good news on this “Welcome to Canada” text is that I now have an alibi for Feb. 11 should I find myself in a position to need one. All the DNA in the world isn’t going to matter to a jury when I show them that I was in Canada according to my phone. My phone and I are never separated.


Anyway, on my way out of Joyce, I saw a sign that made me chuckle. It said, “Come back and Re-Joyce again!” Get it? Rejoice=Re-Joyce (name of town). Brilliant! I would have thought the people of Joyce were the most creative and clever citizens ever, except for the fact that a few feet down the road they have a creek called Itsa Creek, followed by Uptha Creek.


These names cross over into the “too corny to be funny” category. Can’t win them all though I guess.

This crafty town slogan though, made me realize that Forks needs a catchphrase! Sure we have “Logging Capital of the World," “Twilight Central” and “That Dog Hoarding Town” (too soon)?, but these don’t bring smiles or chuckles, especially that last one. We need something better! Something that brings the people in! I can’t even imagine the growth and tourism that Joyce has received as a result of their fabulous new saying. I’m fairly certain that their general store/post office (small gas station) has added at least three new products since the last time I was there!


I tried to personally think of a new slogan to take credit for all the blessings that our town could receive from it, but I got nowhere. Unfortunately, the word Forks is hard to play with. It’s not really in the middle of any other words. I did consider using the word forked, but all my ideas turned out to be very inappropriate as you can imagine.


“Come to Forks and get …” wait, never mind. That’s not going to work in our favor.

So if anyone has any ideas, feel free to send them to me. I will gladly submit them to the city council and take credit. Also, I don’t think we should rule out the possibility of just changing the name of our town if we can’t think of anything. I have a really good idea if we can just change the name Forks to Joyce.


What? That slogan wasn’t copyrighted … I don’t think.