Homecoming/Prom Dresses available for loan!
The Forks Soroptimists ladies have taken over the wonderful project started by Lauren Decker 4 years ago. Lauren had many, many prom/homecoming dresses donated to her endeavor, had a fund raiser to help pay for the large racks to hold them and began loaning beautiful dresses to high school girls for dances. Lauren has graduated FHS and is on her way to Western Washington University so the Soroptimist ladies agreed to take it over and would like to offer the loan of the dresses for the upcoming Homecoming dance on Sept. 23 in Forks and other Homecoming dances in Clallam Bay or Neah Bay.
If you or your child are interested in saving some $$$$ there are dresses long or short, sizes 1 to 22 and LOTS in beween!!! They are ready for Homecoming and the price is right…. they are ready to be BORROWED!!!! CALL Diane at 360- 640-3186 or Cathy at 360- 640-8241 to donate a dress or to borrow a dress!!!