Spearheading the Olympic Discovery Trail since 1988

Dear Peninsula Neighbor,

Who could have imagined what an extraordinary year 2020 has turned out to be? We have all faced inconveniences, challenges, and for some, serious difficulty and loss. Amidst all of that, we have also each found ways to cope and to continue to carry on. As one of the Olympic Peninsula’s foremost tourism, recreation, economic development, and public health assets, it has been very gratifying, but not at all surprising, that one way that has increasingly been a choice for coping and carrying on has been to enjoy spending time on the Olympic Discovery Trail (ODT).

We can all be thankful that, even during this challenging year, great progress is being made to complete the ODT, with another ~ 10 miles being added (bringing us to 90 miles completed of what will become a 130-mile trail from Port Townsend to the Pacific)-including the spectacular Spruce Railroad Trail segment, with its two restored tunnels, along the north side of Lake Crescent.

That progress is only being achieved due to the long-term commitment of supporters and governments across the entire North Olympic Peninsula. And the Peninsula Trails Coalition (PTC), with its 32-year history of pursuing the vision of the completed ODT, has spearheaded all of that commitment and progress.

As an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit organization, PTC advocates on behalf of trail projects and grants, partners with jurisdictions to build trail and trail amenities, and coordinates an extensive volunteer cadre to maintain and care for the trail once it’s built. But we can only accomplish that growing, diverse, and challenging workload with help-YOUR help.

As is true for many causes and local organizations, pandemic impacts have hit us hard, causing us to cancel all of our fundraising events for the year, resulting in almost a 50 percent decline in our annual income. So we invite you today to contribute directly to our work to complete and care for the ODT, which, with ongoing community commitment, may well be fully accomplished within the next fifteen years.

By helping the Peninsula Trails Coalition continue its leading role in achieving and caring for the ODT, you’ll be protecting this beautiful feature of our Olympic Peninsula home; you’ll be helping take care of this wonderful community treasure that is the Olympic Discovery Trail.

You can help by donating today to keep the progress going, either by going to our website https://olympicdiscoverytrail.org/donate/, or by completing the donation form that you may have received in the mail.

And then get out there and enjoy your trail!!

Sincerely, and with our profound thanks,

Peninsula Trails Coalition

P O Box 1836, Port Angeles, WA 98362
