Tall Elks Therapy session will showcase help for Forks’ child

Thursday evening Feb. 7 at Forks Elks Lodge

The Forks Elks Lodge is sponsoring a Tall Elks Children’s Therapy fund-raising spaghetti dinner on Thursday, Feb. 7 at the Forks Elks Lodge #2524.

A live therapy session featuring a three-year-old child from Forks who is benefiting from the Elks program will be the highlight of the evening. The public is invited to the “coin box” dinner, which is served at 6:00 p.m., by donation, and the therapy session begins at 7:00 p.m.

“You will be amazed at what this child has accomplished with the aid of a therapist.”

All proceeds go to Tall Elks to help bring therapists to Forks.

The therapist works with the child at Concerned Citizens’ Sunshine & Rainbows facility on South Forks Ave.

The three-year-old child named Sebastian will help display the positive results the Elks’ therapy program is bringing to local children. He was referred to the Elks’ program when he was five months old. He had undergone spinal cord surgery and was still recovering at the time. Sebastian was born with spina bifida, a birth defect that disrupts the normal formation of the spinal cord. The nerves and muscles of his legs are affected. He had some movement in his hips and upper legs, but has weakness below the knee. He is a very spirited young fellow and is determined to keep up with his sister and classmates.

The therapy program has strengthened his legs and developed his balance. A tricycle was adapted so his feet could stay on the pedals and he could strengthen his legs while having fun. For a long time crawling was his primary method of getting around. He was unable to place his feet flat on the floor to allow for bearing weight and stepping. An orthotist, a professional who works with the child in using a device to such as braces, brought in with the funds has helped his condition. Special braces were made for him to help with his foot alignment. 

An overview of the Elks aid to Sebastian says, “He has made amazing progress and with the help of a walker he is now walking! And very proud of himself!”

Sebastian needs to make the long trip to Seattle several times a year to go to Children’s Hospital for appointments with specialists. Being able to have a therapist work with him in Forks has saved additional travel for therapy.