Tsunami debris arrival forum Wednesday at ONRC

NOAA director to speak

The Olympic Natural Resources Center is hosting a public seminar on the risks posed to Washington residents and its Pacific coast and Strait of Juan de Fuca shoreline by the Japanese tsunami debris. An update on the planning regarding the coordinated response of federal, state, and local governments and tribes to the debris arrival will be presented by Nir Barnea, West Coast Regional Director for NOAA’s Marine Debris Program, and other personnel from the Washington Emergency Management Department will speak. Representatives from the state Department of Ecology and Department of Health may also join the discussion.

The seminar is scheduled for t the Olympic Natural Resources Center located at 1455 S. Forks Avenue, Forks, on Wednesday, Jan. 25 at 5:00 p.m.. The seminar is free and open to the public. Light dinner snacks will be provided. No RSVP needed.

For more information call Ellen Matheny, Director, Education & Outreach at ONRC, at 374-4556 or send an email to ematheny@uw.edu