A ‘Twilight’ boost helped pushed fund-raising $5,000 above the 2009 figure at the annual Cherish Our Children event held on Friday evening, Dec. 3 at the Akalat Center in LaPush.
The community center was filled with holiday makers attending the annual silent and live auction and sea food dinner.
Cherish Our Children organizers said Monday, Dec. 6 that hopes of surpassing the 2009 count of about $11,000 raised were more than made with an initial count showing about $16,000 raised.
Cherish Our Children is co-sponsored by the Quileute Tribe and the City of Forks. Funds raised are used to buy Christmas presents for needy children living in the LaPush-Forks area.
Boosting the fund-raising at Cherish Our Children was the appearance of Twilight Saga actress Julia Jones. Jones autographed a variety of Twilight items which were sold both at auction and in a side room at the Akalat Center where fans could have their photo taken with the actress.
In the Twilight Saga: Eclipse DVD released across the nation at midnight on Friday, Dec. 3 Jones plays the role of Leah Clearwater who is a female member of the Quileute “wolf pack” in the Twilight story.
Miss Ann Penn-Charles and other chaperones accompanied Quileute youth to the Seattle Art Museum on Saturday, Dec. 4 for a special showing the Eclipse DVD followed by a question and answer session featuring Jones’ first-hand knowledge of the filming of the movie. Penn-Charles said attendees would also be able to question the Quileute representatives about the fictional role of the tribe in the films and books, as well as about the actual Quileute culture.
(See photo of Julia Jones on page 9)