Last week, Interwest Construction Inc. (ICI) continued road work at the east side of the Canyon Creek site, MP 10.5.
ICI first removed the existing asphalt of the road, before beginning the compaction of the subgrade and the placement of aggregate material.
Please drive with caution through the site now that asphalt has been removed on a portion of the road and there is loose gravel. The steel pipe pile was delivered in preparation for pile driving at Canyon Creek bridge
This week, ICI will begin pile driving at Canyon Creek and will continue to install erosion control matting on the slopes on the east side of the Canyon Creek site.
Impacts to Traffic:
• Temporary traffic control signals and/or flaggers can be expected at all times at Canyon Creek, MP 10.5.
• Expect delays up to 30 minutes through the project limits (MP 3 through MP 11) between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays, and minor delays at the traffic signals outside of these hours.
• Olympic National Park and businesses along Upper Hoh River Road will remain accessible at all times during construction.