Activities and
Upcoming Work
Last week Interwest Construction Inc. (ICI) and Lakeside Industries paved the remainder of the asphalt pavement at the MP 7.8 Tower Creek site and the MP 4 box culvert and overlay locations.
Peninsula Environmental Group continued planting willows at the MP 3.5 ELJs. Through the rest of October, ICI will complete the remaining work on the project which includes permanent roadway striping, turf establishment hydroseeding, guardrail installation, and ELJ willow plantings.
Impacts to Traffic
• One lane traffic with flaggers and/or temporary traffic signals at milepost 4 and MP 3.5 of Upper Hoh Road
• Expect minimal delays through the project corridor. Thank you everyone for your patience over these past 3 years.
• Access to the Hoh Rain Forest Visitor Center and businesses along Upper Hoh Rd. remain accessible at all times during
construction. The expected completion date for this project is Oct. 27, 2023.
For more information, please visit the project website at: