WEBPA holiday drawings starting up this week

New Forks Ave. Christmas decorations bought with proceeds

Christmas decorations

Chris Cook – Forks Forum photo

Thursday, Nov. 1 marks the beginning of the West Business and Professional Association (WEBPA) blue ticket give away.  Each member merchant provides shoppers one ticket just for shopping, and additional  tickets for every $10 spent. Customers can also ask for one ticket even if they do not purchase anything.  Once tickets are collected, shoppers need to write their name on the back and deposit them in the WEBPA barrel in front of the hardware door of Forks Outfitters before 1 pm. Prior to thanksgiving, names will be drawn to win a frozen turkey, three per Saturday drawing.  After Thanksgiving, winners will receive Santa Bucks that can be spent like cash at participating businesses through December 22. All winners must be present to win and winning tickets must be official WEBPA blue tickets. A person can only win once each Saturday with the largest prize drawn first.

Do you need an extra $1,000 for that holiday shopping spree? WEBPA members have Shopping Spree tickets available at the blue ticket drawings and their place of business. The winner will be drawn by Santa on December 22 at the final blue ticket drawing. Funds raised by the sale of tickets fund the purchase of the large, lighted holiday decorations on main street. Join in the holiday fun with West End Business and Professional Association every Saturday in November through December 22.  For more information call JT’s Sweet Stuffs 374-6111.