Volunteer Hospice Remembrance Ceremony scheduled

Volunteer Hospice of Clallam County (VHOCC) invites the community to a Remembrance Ceremony, scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 8, at 2 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church, 139 W. 8th St. Port Angeles. The non-denominational ceremony provides families and friends an opportunity to honor and memorialize the loss of loved ones. Commemorating is part of the grieving process and remembrance ceremonies allow those who have experienced loss to come together and share memories of their loved one.

The ceremony will include candle lighting, music by the Clallam County Threshold Choir, and a group address, followed by the sharing of cherished memories. All are welcome — families, community members, past/present employees and volunteers. One need not have an affiliation with hospice in order to attend and personally honor a loved one. Attendees are encouraged to bring a copy of a photo of their loved one to place on the commemoration table during the ceremony.

Refreshments and time to interact with VHOCC staff and volunteers will follow the formal ceremony. To learn more about VHOCC, the local non-profit serving Clallam County from Joyce to Diamond Point, visit the VHOCC website at http://vhocc.org, Facebook, or call 360-452-1511.