Lemons to Lemonade

Dear Editor,

YES! Those reading the Forks Forum will find much GOOD NEWS!

August 15 2024 page 7 STEPHANIE BECHTOLD ‘From patient to practitioner, how a Forks nurse overcame adversity to inspire her community”

It is worth some re-runs of the same theme. It is worth a RE-READ and sharing with others. (Forks Forum subscriptions have online access as well a home paper delivery.)

How can we increase employment and healthcare resources in our community at the same time?

Months ago, community members met in the Rainforest Arts Center to consider Forks Hospital’s needs. Many staff were called upon to share their area of work, experience and needs. From that, a Healthy West End Team was being formed. Since then I have shared a few emails with some of the members.

I am now sharing these ideas with our community:

Healthy West End Team, Using PCC, Forks Medical Community, and Forks Hospital Staff as a Training Center Staff, we may create something beyond any of our imaginations. With the inflow of new folks to the West End from I-5 Corridor and elsewhere, our Medical services are challenged and this will only increase. Many people are at ages that will require more and more medical support: in home, new senior centers needing staff, etc.

“Lemons to Lemonade” is always my approach to challenges such as these: New Jobs, and housing becoming available as new residents become housed in local, new senior care facilities, group/shared homes and more. These matters will only increase as more and more new neighbors find their way here from the HIGH COSTS and congestion and decline of the urban/suburban areas. More on this may be clarified and sketched out for a timeline and sequencing features and stages.

Respectfully and eagerly,

Roy Morris

Sekiu aka quiet waters

PS Nancy and I wish to continue living here on the West End; we recently declined buying another home in PA for medical access.

WE WANT TO LIVE HERE with good medical care locally.