With the beginning of a new year, that means today Monday, Jan. 8 the Washington State Legislation is back in session. Some things to watch …after the defunding of the police sentiment of a few years ago Governor Inslee is now calling public safety a top priority and set a goal of getting more officers on the street. In keeping with that idea he is proposing a $10 million grant program to find additional officers. A WNPA news service article shared that Washington State ranks 50th in the nation for the number of law enforcement officers per capita! We know that both our city and county law enforcement agencies need staffing, but will this funding mostly go to the I-5 area?
With what seems to be a mixed message here in our state regarding drug use and what to do about it the governor is also proposing a bill to address fentanyl and substance use prevention education. What is the answer?
The governor’s main priority remains the need to address climate change. In keeping with that idea …several Forks Forum readers have shared with me the info on a bill introduced by Rep. Amy Walen, D-Kirkland to ban new gas-powered outdoor equipment beginning in 2026. House Bill 1868 would also fine violators with a $10,000 fine and one year in jail. I don’t know much, but I am not sure electric chain saws would be up to the task for those working in the timber industry. Also, small lawncare businesses as well as small municipalities having to convert over as equipment needs to be replaced would see more of a financial hardship. The bill would allow Federal, State, and local governments to use gas-powered equipment when fighting fire and other “emergencies.” If you have thoughts on these issues or any others instead of hashing it over on social media …you can leave a message for your state Senator and Representatives. Call the Legislative HOTLINE at 1.800.562.6000.
In other news …
We once again had a Bonneville power outage. Bonneville is a word we hate to hear when associated with a power outage. It usually means at least a 10-hour outage. I guess it is good for building character, and in the scheme of things for most of us, it is a survivable inconvenience. But, there are residents with health issues who are negatively affected. I was told it was once again a tree …and I did speak with a Bonneville spokesperson …see page 2.
And, I see that we are getting ready for a blizzard or at least more wind tonight (Monday).
Also, drive safe, we had several DUIs over the weekend as well as last week some visitors to our area took the turnoff maybe too fast at the La Push Rd. Slow down …. (see photo)
Christi Baron, Editor