Notice of Annual Meeting Congregational Church

Dear Community,

The Congregational Church Annual Meeting is going to be held Sunday, Jan. 26 following worship and will be held in Fellowship Hall. This is a potluck so bring your favorite dish to share. We will enjoy a great meal along with reports from your Pastor, committee heads, and discussing church business.

This year we have a vision of some projects that we would like to hopefully complete and we need the congregation to make a decision on. Also, make plans for the upcoming year as far as mission money and community projects. We had our biggest year ever of giving to the community in which we live, with over $20,000 given, that is really something to celebrate. Also we have several new members that have joined Church in this past year and that also needs to be celebrated.

The word Congregational means that the church is run by the people/church body. It is important that you come to this meeting if you are a member to stay in good standing with the church and have your voice heard. We always say, “The Word of God, for The People of God, Praise be to God.” Now we need YOU to be, “The People of God, for The Church of God, Praise be to God’s People, Who Lead His Church into the Future.” I am just the Pastor/Shepherd of the Church and you are the leaders of the Church. Each one of you is important to the success of this church and without you, there is no church.

At this time I want to thank the Members and Friends of the Congregational Church for being the People of God and your dedication to our church’s mission of being a community church. Without your service to the church we could not accomplish all the activities, “which are too many to list” that we hold to serve our community. By doing this we make the people of this community feel that there is someone that really cares wherever you are on life’s journey. We are just getting started so let’s make this next decade one for the History Books.

Hope to see you at our Annual Meeting on Jan. 26

Pastor Warren Johnson