Dear Community,
Again the First Congregational Church of Forks is doing its Souper Bowl of Caring for our local Food Bank on Feb. 2 the Sunday of the Super Bowl. We are collecting change and monetary donations by passing a soup pot around the congregation during a special time during the worship service.
Then we count and roll the money after church. We then report our amount to the National Souper Bowl of Caring website. All the amounts are calculated and you can watch the amount grow but all money stays local. Last year the amount given to local food banks on Super Bowl Sunday was 9.6 million dollars.
You can go to the Souper Bowl of Caring website and register your Church or Organization to report your totals.
We as the Congregational Church would like to challenge the other churches in town to a Souper Bowl of Caring for our local food bank and see how much money our community can raise for a good cause.
Put our community on the map and fight hunger Feb. 2, Super Bowl Sunday. Everyone is a winner when we stamp out hunger.
Blessings, Pastor Johnson