Fishing regulation changes in Olympic National Park

Olympic National Park has conservation concerns for wild steelhead and is implementing in-season fishing regulation changes within park waters.

Of particular concern is the forecasted low return of Queets River wild steelhead. The 2020-21 forecast for Queets wild steelhead is expected to be well below the escapement goal of 4,200 fish.

Queets wild steelhead have failed to meet that escapement goal in each of the last four years and returns in recent years were among the lowest on record.

Fisheries within Olympic National Park are managed to provide a variety of fishing opportunities, allow for the harvest of hatchery steelhead, and protect wild steelhead populations.

To better protect wild steelhead, Olympic National Park is implementing the following in-season changes:

Queets River: Closes to recreational fishing on Feb. 1, 2021;

The early sport fishing closure in the Queets River system is designed to allow for opportunity to harvest early timed hatchery steelhead while better protecting the wild run.

As of Dec. 14, the use of bait is prohibited. Anglers must use artificial lure with a barbless single point hook.

Salmon River: As of Dec. 14, the use of bait is prohibited. Anglers must use artificial lure with a barbless single point hook.

Quillayute River: Closes to recreational fishing on April 1, 2021;

Dickey River mouth: Closes to recreational fishing on April 1, 2021;

Hoh River mouth: Closes to recreational fishing on April 1, 2021.

Anglers should note that fishing in the Hoh River system and the Bogachiel River within the park will remain open through April 15.

Current information and fishing regulations are available on the park website at