Due to the low forecasted return of wild steelhead, the Queets River is temporarily closed to sport fishing. Anglers can continue to catch hatchery steelhead in the Salmon River through Feb. 28. The Queets River is expected to reopen to recreational angling on June 1.
The forecasted return of wild steelhead is below the management goal. Given anticipated commercial and sport fishing impacts and the long-term declines in total run size and escapement, this temporary closure is necessary to maintain the Queets wild steelhead population.
Queets wild steelhead have experienced long-term declines in annual run sizes and low escapements in recent years. Wild steelhead have failed to reach the Washington State and National Park Service escapement goal of 4,200 fish in each of the last eight years. The recent status review by NOAA Fisheries determined that Olympic Peninsula steelhead are at moderate risk of extinction.